I was struck by the power of the antiphons, readings and the responsorial psalm for last Sunday, the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time. They were so appropriate for the times that we live in right now. In the midst of division and hatred and anger and so much stress from the covid-19 virus, Christ says: "Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid: you are worth more than many sparrows.
The cantor chanted: "The Lord is the strength of his people, a saving refuge for the one he has anointed." And again, in the responsorial psalm, the cantor prayed in song: "But I pray to you, O Lord, for a time of your favor. In your great mercy, answer me, O God, with your salvation that never fails. Lord, answer, for your mercy is kind, in your great compassion, turn toward me."
For liturgical musicians, this is a difficult time. We cannot sing in our choirs, or play our flutes or trumpets and we cannot sing as a congregation. But....God is here for us always and we pray to him through our liturgy for help and acknowledge his kindness and compassion.
Know that the time will come when we will be singing again! The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy says that music is integral and fundamental to the liturgy. We will be singing again!!
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