to the world, you are bringing that light to our parish in so many ways. As assembly, you nurture and support the liturgical life of our parish in your singing (very good assembly singing!) and praying, in your welcoming of the visitor, and in your support of one another.
In the ministry of music, you cantor, you are members of the choirs, you play guitar and flute and chimes. You are prayerful and your music is beautiful.
The Entrance Antiphon for this week is an acclamation of trust in a loving God:
“O Lord, I trust in your merciful love; my heart will
rejoice in your salvation. I
will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me.” Our sung hymns flow from the readings and from this opening antiphon. One very strong statement in today's readings commands us "You shall not bear hatred for your brother or sister in your heart." In the Gospel, Jesus says "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." What beautiful and powerful statements of the mission of our lives, to shine forth into the world in love.
Gathering Hymn: Love Divine, All Love's Excelling No. 641
Our Mass setting is the Heritage Mass
Responsorial Psalm: "The Lord is kind and merciful" No. 1110
Alleluia: Mass of Light
Hymn at the Preparation of the Altar: Where Charity and Love Prevail No. 706
Communion Hymn: Dwelling Place No. 678
Closing Hymn: Here I Am, Lord No. 777
Thank you to all for your prayerful presence and beautiful music.
NEWS FLASH: There will be a bake sale the weekend of February 25 and 26 to raise money
to continue to repair the chimes. We almost have enough people for chimes....need 2 more
chimes players. It's not hard and it is fun.
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