Thursday, April 9, 2015

In Gratitude!!

Since the last blog, we have journeyed through Lent and through Holy Week and are now in the season of Easter.

I would like to give profound thanks to all of the musicians that inspired us in this journey, and walked the pathway of the liturgies through Lent and Holy Week.  The choir rehearsed every week and sang every Sunday at 11AM.  They also sang Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday morning.  What commitment of time and talent!! Who are the choir members?  Sopranos: Nancy Jenkins, Taylor Sarrazine, Jeanne Nes, Pam Trittipo, Pat Waltke, Mary Glass, Barbara Rice Altos:  Marie Reith, Cindi Schmitt, Kim Wyss, Debra Cumins, Jean McCammant, Peg Sadler, Kayla Peat  Tenors:  Steve Leffers, Larry Colchin, Bob Cayot, John Tescula  Basses: Jim Jur, Bob Denney, Dick Schmidt.

The guitar group rehearsed and played during Lent and on Palm Sunday.  Another great commitment of preparation time, rehearsal time and liturgy.  Guitar Group:  Al Olry, Mike Koehl, Mary Czech, Steve Leffers, Bob Koehl, Patty Koehl. Thank you to all!!

The Hargis family rehearsed and played/sang for Easter Sunday morning:  Todd and Stacy Hargis, Bernadette and Richard.  Thank you!!

Laura Dailey rehearsed and played flute for Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.  Thank you!!

Our cantors spent hours and hours in rehearsal….Jim Jur who also rehearsed and proclaimed the Exsultet at Easter;  Nancy Jenkins, Patty Colchin, Deb and Greg Mitchell, Elaine Cooper, Susan Maloney, Mike Maloney, Cindy Schmitt, Kim Wyss, Steve Leffers, Michelle Dellinger, and Wesley Hutson who rehearsed and proclaimed the Easter Sequence and Prayers of the Faithful at Easter Sunday morning.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to all!!

A big thank you also to the Choir of Hope who sang for six funerals since the last blog.  Their ministry of music is very important to the family that is mourning the loss of a loved one.

Thank you to the One Voice Children's Choir who sang with the adult choir for the closing Mass (with Bishop Kevin Rhoades) of our parish mission…the music that you sang was truly inspirational and beautiful.

We always welcome new members of the choirs, cantors, instrumentalists, members of the guitar group.

Interested?  Just e-mail Beverly Rieger at, or call Beverly at 413-1233.  You can also stop by after Mass and talk with me.

May this Easter season be a time of renewal and a deepening in faith for all.  Beverly.

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