Good morning on a very frosty January morning. We have completed the season of Christmas and are now walking through a few weeks of Ordinary Time. I want to thank all of the musicians who gave so much of their time and talent to bring beautiful music to St. Therese during the Christmas season. Thank you!
During this Ordinary time, the church celebrates the manifestation of the light of Christ in the world. The light of Christ manifests in us when we say "yes", and through us into the world. The musical selections are our prayer that we can be servants in spreading this light of Christ. Last weekend you sang "Christ Be Our Light", "We Are Many Parts" and "We Are Called". If you go to the hymnals and read the text to these hymns, you will understand why you sang them at Mass last Sunday.
Soon, it will Lent. Beginning with the First Sunday of Lent, February 14th, we will start singing the official hymn of the Year of Mercy. The title is drawn from John 6:36, Be Merciful, As Your Father is merciful. The hymn is written with the refrain in Latin for the assembly: Misericordes sicut Pater! In English: The Father is merciful! The second refrain, sung after each phrase of the verses is also in Latin: in aeternum misericordia eius. In English this means: "For eternity you are merciful."
The verses are sung by the cantor:
1. Give thanks to the Father, for he is good. He created the world with wisdom. He leads his people throughout history, He pardons and welcomes his children.
2. Give thanks to the Son, Light of the Nations. He loved us with a heart of flesh.
As we receive from him, let us also give to him; hearts open to those who hunger and thirst.
3. Let us ask the Spirit for the seven holy gifts, Fount of all goodness and the sweetest relief.
Comforted by him, let us offer comfort; love hope and bears all things.
4. Let us ask for peace from the God of all peace. The earth waits for the Good News of the Kingdom.
Joy and pardon in the hearts of the little ones; the heavens and the earth will be renewed.
Blessings to all.